Fiber Optic Publications

Reprint Series | User's Manual & Design Series | CATV Books | Other Fiber Products

Fiber Optic Reprint Series - $75each order form
In response to many inquiries on specific fiber optics market and technologies, Information Gatekeepers, Inc. (IGI) has developed a unique product for the industry. The Fiber Optics Reprint Series includes papers presented at IGI's internationally recognized FOC/LAN, EFOC/LAN, Broadband, POF, ISFOC and MFOC trade shows as well as papers published in "Fiber Optics Magazine." These volumes are unrivaled as informative surveys of historical and state-of-the-art developments in 41 segments of the fiber optics industry. To eliminate the burden of sorting through proceedings and back issues, the Fiber Optic Reprint Series brings together key papers in individual subject volumes. Each volume is representative of major developments in the field. In addition to original papers, each volume includes a glossary and important references to other publications and sources where further information can be obtained. These volumes should find wide use for those entering the field, educators, researchers, marketing executives, in both the fiber optics and non-fiber optics fields. They will also fill a critical information gap in university, college, and special libraries.

  • Vol.1 Fiber Optics Markets, Trends and Technology Forecasts (487 pages)
  •  Vol.2-1 Optical Fibers and Applications 1985-1989 (390 pages)
  •  Vol.2-2 Optical Fibers and Applications 1990-1994 (318 pages)
  •  Vol.3 Fiber Optic Cable Designs and Applications (482 pages)
  •  Vol.4 Fiber Optics Test and Measurement (423 pg)
  •  Vol.5 Components for Fiber Optic LANs (157 pages)
  •  Vol.6-1 Fiber Optic Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) 1984-1991 (444 pages)
  •  Vol.6-2 Fiber Optic Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) 1992-1994 (481 pages)
  •  Vol.7-1 Fiber Optics LANs 1984-1988 (394 pages)
  •  Vol.7-2 Fiber Optics LANs, 1989-1994 (346 pages)
  •  Vol.8 High Speed Fiber Optic LANs (409 pages)
  •  Vol.9 Fiber Optic Sources and Transmitters (407 pages)
  •  Vol.10 Fiber Optics Standards (312 pages)
  •  Vol.11 Long Distance High Bit Rate Systems (333 pages)
  •  Vol.12 CATV and Video Applications of Fiber Optics (535 pg)
  •  Vol.13 Integrated Optics (465 pages)
  •  Vol.14 Military Applications of Fiber Optics (504 pages)
  •  Vol.15 Fiber Optic Sensors (363 pages)
  •  Vol.17 Spicing of Opticat Fibers (126 pages)
  •  Vol.18 Fiber Optic Computer Links (179 pages)
  •  Vol.19 Fiber Optic Connectors(237 pages)
  •  Vol.20 Couplers and WDM Devices for Optical Transmission (365 pg)
  •  Vol.21 Fiber Optics Detectors and Receivers (246 pages)
  •  Vol.22 Fiber Optics Installations (305 pages)
  •  Vol.23 Fiber Optics in Buildings (362 pages)
  •  Vol.24 Fiber Optic Design Considerations (278 pages)
  •  Vol.25 Plastic Optical Fibers And Applications (222 pages)
  •  Vol.26 Radiation Effects on Fiber Optics and Opto Electronics (213 pages)
  •  Vol.27 Fiber Optics in Undersea Applications (314 pages)
  •  Vol.28 Fiber Optic s Primer (159 pages)
  •  Vol.29 Fiber Optics in the Power Industry (114 pages)
  •  Vol.30 Broadband ISDN (522 pg)
  •  Vol.31 Dtat Links (111 pages)
  •  Vol.32 Fiber Optics Components (204 pg)
  •  Vol.33 Broadband Microwave (109 pages)
  •  Vol.34 Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) (553 pages)
  •  Vol.35-1 Fiber to the Home (FTTH), 1988-1990 (477 pages)
  •  Vol.35-2 Fiber to the Home (FTTH), 1991-1994 (363 pages)
  •  Vol.36 Fiber Optic Sensor Developments in Russia (95 pages)
  •  Vol.37 Passive Optical Networks (PON) (301 pages)
  •  Vol.38 Optical Networks (308 pages)
  •  Vol.39 Coherent Fiber Optics Systems (164 pages)
  •  Vol.40 Optical Switching (197 pages)
  •  Vol.41 ATM (247 pages)

There are numerous potential uses of the Reprint Series in addition to the volumes described herein. Here are just three possible uses of the vast collection of papers on fiber optics technology, markets, and applications

Customized volumes for Educational Purposes
Now, you also have the option of personally selecting individual papers from the "Fiber Optic Reprint Series," and having them printed and bound into customized volumes. This service should be of interest to professors and instructors of fiber optic courses who need practical up-to-date papers on fiber optic applications, markets and technologies. Here is how it works:

  1. Instructor picks twice as many articles as he thinks he needs.
  2. IGI sends the articles to the instructor for review.
  3. Instructor selects the articles he wants in the order he wants them in the publication.
  4. IGI prints and binds the articles with the course, instructor, organization, etc. imprinted on the cover.

    All publications can be GBC or perfect bound with a sturdy, well designed cover, making a neat, readable, up-to-date and attractive package.

Books for promotional purposes
Soft covered, perfect bound books can be printed for promotional purposes as give-away reference items. Selected papers can be bound together with company brochures and other descriptive materials to make an attractive addition to your customers bookshelf, or to be used as a ready reference to your company's products. It keeps your name in front of the customer! Companies such as AMP, Codenoll, Gigabit Logic and others have done this quite successfully.

Write Your Own Book
If you have ever thought of writing "your own book," here is your opportunity. Information Gatekeepers, Inc. (IGI) has over 3000 papers covering 10,000 pages presented at IGI trade shows, conferences and published in IGI publications. You can pick a selection of papers for your volume, which IGI will prepare and print at your expense. If they satisfy a market need, IGI will market the books as a way for authors to recoup their investment.


Fiber Optics User's Manual & Design Series - $75 each
($750 for the full 17 volume set) order form

 I. A User's Manual for Optical Waveguide Communications.
287 pages. A practical guide for systems designers considering the use of fiber optic communications systems. The discussion includes component selection, optical technology, and system design.
1975. Item # 152U01. $75.

II. Design Handbook for Optical Fiber Systems.
253 pages. This handbook provides communications engineers with the background data, typical equipment parameters, design methods, tradeoff considerations, and evaluation methodology required to design, evaluate, or specify a fiber optic communications system.
1981. Item # 152U02. $75.

III. Design Curves for Optical Waveguide Communications Systems.
287 pages. This publication examines both single- and multi-mode fibers; the latter includes both step-index and graded-index fibers. The text and graphics demonstrate the transition from dispersion-limited to detector noise-limited operation.
1974. Item # 152U03. $75.

IV. Fiber Optics Design and Package.
(2 parts, 3 volumes) 660 pages. Provides a design methodology for applying fiber optics technology to communications. Applications include party line multitechnical and point-to-point communications involving analog and digital base band modulation.
1985. Item # 152U04. $75.

V. Fiber Optic Codec Link Design Manual.
150 pages. This manual provides a detailed description and operating instructions of a link capable of transmitting 92 channels of data over a fiber optic cable up to two kilometers in length.
1981. Item # 152U05. $75.

VI. Selfoc Handbook.
87 pages. An examination of the optical properties of the SELFOC Lens, manufactured by Nippon Sheet Glass.
1979. Item # 152U06. $75.

VII. Optical Data Transmission Technology for Space Payloads.
110 pages. A study of fiber optic transmission technology for fixed and drag-on STS payload umbilicals. The publication examines the subject from the identification of space payload applications though the design, component selection, and comparison with a conventional approach.
1981. Item # 152U07. $75.

VIII. Fiber Optics Technology for Underground Mine Communications Systems.
170 pages. The objective of this manual is to evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of using fiber optic technology for underground coal mine communications systems.
1980. Item # 152U08. $75.

IX. Optical Fiber Communications Link Desing Performance Standards for Long Haul Telecommunications.
118 pages. An engineering approach to the design of optical fiber communications systems in accordance with military standards. The full range of system design considerations is presented along with design calculations.
1985. Item # 152U09. $75.

X. Glossary of Fiber Optic Terms.
103 pages. (With English, French, Spanish and German). A glossary produced by National Telecommunications and Information Agency and the National Bureau of Standards, which combines the interrelated disciplines of communications engineering, physics and measurement standards.
1986. Item # 152U10. $75.

XI. Radiation Effects in Optoelectronic Devices.
342 pages. A report prepared by Sandia Laboratories in 1977 and updated in 1984. It reviews the basics of radiation damage on optoelectronic devices and its considered the "bible" in the field.
1984. Item # 152U11. $75.

XII. World's Submarine Telephone Cable Systems.
415 pages. First published in 1975 and updated in 1985, this report prepared under contract to NTIA represents the reference work for designers of undersea fiber optic cable systems.
1984. Item # 152U12. $75.

XIII. U.S. Long Distance Fiber Optic Networks: Technology, Evolution and Advanced Concepts.
3 volumes. Study performed for NASA on long distance networks using technology and cost projections to the year 2000. Valuable design and cost information for anyone designing long distance fiber optic networks.
1985. Item # 152U13. $475.

XIV. On Premise Digital Communications Upgrades with Emphasis on Fiber Optics.
Report prepared by NTIA for the National Communications Systems of fiber optics for government building. Contains valuable design information and standards applicable to commercial buildings as well.
1986. Item # 152U14. $75.

XV. Design of Fiber Optic Telephone Systems for Rural Environments.
This volume contains materials developed at REA for the application of lightwave systems with particular emphasis on alternative system configurations.
1987. Item # 152U15.$75.

XVI. Primer On Nuclear Effects on Fiber Optic Transmission Systems.
This report provides an introduction to the technical background needed to understand the rationale behind the multitier specification developed for the National Communication System by the Institute of Telecommunications Sciences. It includes sections on nuclear explosion in general, high altitude nuclear explosions, properties of optical waveguides, radiation effects on optical systems, and future fiber optic systems.
1987. Item # 152U16. $75.

XVII. Optic Fiber Communications Link Design.
This study represents efforts to develop practical, straightforward guide lines as an approach to systems designed for point-to-point optical fiber communications links. As indicated in the document, the recently approved MIL-STD-188-111 was used as a model for parameter specifications, because this is the first U.S. standard on optic fiber communications systems. Engineering approaches suggested in the report will yield first order approximations of optical link performance, and should be useful in preliminary design calculations concerning choice for subsystem components.
1984. Item # 152U17. $75.


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