Fiber Optics Filings
- U.S. Long Distance Fiber Optic Networks: Technology, Evolution and
Advanced Concepts, Volume I, 1986, 52 Pages, Code # 133G19, $ 75.00
- U.S. Long Distance Fiber Optic Networks: Technology, Evolution and
Advanced Concepts, Volume II, 1986, 140 Pages, Code # 133G20, $ 125.00
- U.S. Long Distance Fiber Optic Networks: Technology, Evolution and
Advanced Concepts, Volume III, 1986, 584 Pages, Code # 133G21, $ 275.00
- NBS Special Publication 748: Technical Digest Synopsium on Optical
Fiber Measurements, 1988-1996, These volumes published every two years
containing papers on the latest techniques and standards in optical fiber
measurements, Each volume is $85.00
- Multitier Specification for National Security/ Emergency Plan NSEP
Enhancement of Fiber Optic Long-Distance Telecommunication Networks- Volume
I, 1987, 42 Pages, Code # 133G11, $65.00
- Multitier Specification for National Security/ Emergency Plan NSEP
Enhancement of Fiber Optic Long-Distance Telecommunication Networks- Volume
II, 1987, 204 Pages, Code # 133G12, $125.00
- Multitier Specification Applied to Modify the Hardness of an Essential
National Security/Emergency Plan NSEP Fiber Optic Link, 1988, 142 Pages,
Code # 133G10, $125.00
- Fiber Optic Networks and Their Service Survival, 1987, 907 Pages,
Code # 133G19, $95.00
- Alternative Transmission Media for Third-Generation Interface Standard,
1983, 105 Pages, Code # 133G01, $75.00
- Nuclear Effects on Fiber Optic Transmission Systems, 1987, 105
Pages, Code # 133G14 $75.00
- Consideration of Ionizing Radiation Shielding for Optical Fibers,
1988, 30 Pages, Code # 133G06, $45.00
- U.S. Global Competitiveness: Optical Fibers Technology and Equipment
1988, 300 Pages, Code # 133G18, $250.00
- Department of Defense Fiber Optic Standardization Program Plan,
1994, 104 Pages, Code # 133G03, $75.00
- FCC Fiber Deployment Update, contains the only authoritative
figures on total installed optical fiber in the U.S. broken down by interexchange
carriers, regional holding companies, metropolitan areas, and local loop
, 1994, 40 Pages, Code # 133G04, $75.00