Design Tools

Frequency Assignment Summary for 1.435 GHz - 2.5 GHz

Band. 1991, 42 pp., $65.00


Propagation Effects on Satellite Systems at frequencies Below

10 GHz: A Handbook for Satellite Systems Design.Dec. 1987,

501 pages, Item# 133G54, $250.00


Propagation Effects Handbook for Satellite Systems Design. A

Summary of Propagation Impairments on 10 to 100 GHz

Satellite Links with Techniques for System Design.

February 1989, 531 pages, Item# 133G55, $250.00


A Model of Millimeter-Wave Propagation for Personal

Communication Networks in Urban Settings. 1991,

80 pages, Item# 133G56, $75.00


The Raider Program.

1991, 113 pp., Item# 133G57 $95.00