Plastic Optical Fiber (POF) Catalog
Studies | Newsletters | Proceedings | Reprint Series | Publications | Books | Consulting | Seminars | Video Interest Group
Studies For more POF Publications click here
POF Market & Technology Assessment
This report reviews the technology and markets for Plastic Optical fibers, and points out that the market has not been fully exploited. Previous studies have seriously underestimated the potential for POF. This study includes the impact of graded index POF and low N.A. step index POF.
1996, 320 pages, $2995
An Analysis of Graded Index polymer Optical Fiber Patents
This is a detailed analysis of all the available patents filed worldwide on graded index plastic optical fiber (GI-POF). The report reviews generically the methods that are proposed and then provides an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each process. It also identifies approximately 120 patents and applications that pertain to GI-POF.
1997, $995.00
Graded Index polymer Optical Fibers and components (Theory, Manufacturing and applications)
This is a comprehensive technical analysis of the various methods and materials used in the manufacture of Graded Index Plastic Optical Fiber (GI-POF). The latest data and analysis is presented on perfluorinated polymer optical fibers.
1998, $995.00
Purchase both Graded Index POF volumes above for $1495!
Purchase both Graded Index POF volumes above for $1495!
POF Newsletter
Covers recent developments in POf components, systems and applications. There presently is no centralized source of information on this potentially explosive industry. New development in graded index fibers, sources, and other components promise new opportunities. POF Newsletter covers data communications and other applications such as sensors, illumination, signage and imaging.
6 issues p.a.;$395 US & Canada, $425 elsewhere
Low-Cost FDDI Proceedings
Conference held April 2-3, 1992, that reviewed various technologies to provide low-cost FDDI. Includes papers on twisted wire pair, shielded wire pairs, data grade twited pair, plastic optical fiber systems, plastic clad silica and all glass fiber,
POF-91 Proceedings
Proceedings of two conferences held in 1990 and 1991 on plastic optical fiber technology and applications. Also included are marketing estimates of various sectors.,
POF’92 Proceedings
Contains papers of the first international conference on plastic optical fibers, held in Paris, France, June 22-23, 1992. These papers present the latest in state-of-the-art plastic optical fiber technology and applications.,
POF’93 Proceedings
Contains papers of the second international conference on plastic optical fibers held in the Hague in June 1993,
POF’94 Proceedings
Papers of the third international conference on plastic optical fibers held in Yokohama, October 26-28, 1994,
POF’95 Proceedings
Papers of the fourth international conference on plastic optical fibers held in Boston, MA USA October 17-19, 1995,
POF’96 Proceedings
Papers of the fifth international conference on plastic optical fibers held in Paris France, October 22-24, 1996
POF World’98 Proceedings
Papers of the sixth international conference on plastic optical fibers held in Providence RI, June 1-4, 1998,
POF World '99: Proceedings
Marketing POF June 28-30, 1999 - San Jose, CA
POF World 2000: Proceedings
Applications of Plastic Optical Fibers June 19-21, 2000 - San Jose, CA
Broadband'96: Tthe Last 100 Meters
Proceedings of a conference held 1996 devoted to exporing the trends in all media-copper, glass optical fiber and POF. Several excellent papers on the potential of the POF market, $295.00
Broadband'97: The Last 100 Meters
Proceedings of a conference held 1997,
Reprint Series
Plastic Optical Fiber Reprint Series V.25
Contains over 40 papers dealing with markets, technology and applications of plastic optical fibers.1994, $75.00, Send complete Reprint Series Catalog
Compilation of Papers on POF for Automobiles
Published June 2000 from Information Gatekeepers - $195
POF Market Overview
Tutorial presented at POF World '98. 138pages, $125
POF LAN Design
Tutorial presented at POF World '98. 111pages, $125
Vol#1 Synthesis of Polymers for Plastic Optical Fibers
This is a comprehensive technical analysis for the selection of materials for polymer optical fibers written by Dr. Alexander Baran of the Research Production Center for POF in Tver, Russia,1995, $495
Vol#2 Papers on Polymer Optical Fibers
Fourteen papers prepared by the Research Production Center for POF, Tver Russia, 1995, $125
Vol#3 polymer synthesis production characterization and performance
Over twenty areas of POF covered in papers prepared by the Research Production Center for POF, Tver Russia, 1995, $195
Vol#4 Rheological Properties of polymer optical melts
A complete technical description of the process of plastic optical fiber formation from the melts of amorphous polymers. Written by Dr. Boris Radushkvich prepared by the Research Production Center for POF, Tver Russia, 1996, $395, save over 40% when you buy all four volumes for $790.00
POF Applications Guide book for Non-communications
A Special Publication that describes non-communications applications of plastic optical fiber for signs, illumination, back lighting, and video displays., $75.00
POF Sign and Illumination Directory
A directory of associations, publications, trade shows, suppliers and users of POF for non-communications. $75.00
POF Data Book
The POF Data Book represents a comprehensive collection of technical information not available elsewhere on all major aspects of POF technology, $120.00
POF Design Manual/Handbook and Buyers Guide
Contains listings of manufacturers of plastic optical fibers, components and systems. Applications papers, data sheets of POF products, sources of information and other articles useful for designing and applying plastic optic fiber technology are also included, 1993, 208, pg, $49.95
POF Data Communication Primer
The primer on POF Data Communications has been written for design engineers that need to understand the technical charicteristics of POF components and how to make link calculations. The primer also contains over 80 references on POF link design., $29.95
Graded Index POF
The most comprehensive and unique compilation of papers on Graded Index POF. This is a new and exciting technology development in the POF field which will open a range of potential data communications applications., $69.95 Updated 1997
Plastic Optical Fibres
This book is the result of a group initiative by the Plastic Optical Fibres Club (France) with the aim of promoting the use of plastic optical fibres. The early chapters deal with fibres as optical waveguides and their properties, while later chapters cover aspects essential from the users: connection techniques, followed by the different fields in which these fibres can offer attractive solutions.
1996, $94.95
An Intro to Polymer Optical Fibers
20 minute video completed in 1996, $220
IGI provides in-house seminars on POF for high level managers and technical personnel. Seminars can be designed to meet clients needs and can be a half-day to a full-day in length.

POF Industry Overview
This is an overview of POF technology, markets, standards, competitive analysis, new product developments, POF company profiles and strategies.

POF LAN and Link Design
A hands on design course that includes both lectures and demonstrations. Lectures include detail technical design considerations and how to make link calculations. Several different links and LANs are used as examples

IGI Consulting provides a broad range of consulting services to assist companies to assess market opportunities, help develop strategic plans, develop marketing plans, and new product development.
Interest Group
Plastic Optical Fiber Trade Organization (POFTO)
A plastic optical fiber Trade Organization has been organized to promote the use of plastic optical fibers in sensing, imaging, display, illumination and communications applications. If you are interested in obtaining information or participating in POFTO, please click on link below

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