This report is an overview of European activities in the field of optical components for:
- switching
- splitting and coupling
- multiplexing and demultiplexing
- and-dropping
- attenuating...
Innovative technologies are definitively affecting the future optical telecommunication networks
The growth of the optical telecommunication market is accompanied by the development of innovative technologies for wavelength routing in all-optical networks and by a buoyancy of the associated business; (rising of new startups, companies buy-outs ... ). Industrial activity is increasing in large groups and there are also many startups growing up in Europe in the field of optical components for telecommunication (such as Kymata, HighWave, Teem Photonics ... ). Moreover, new startups are launched (such as Optical Micro Devices in United Kingdom, Sercalo in Switzerland) and large groups are currently acquiring a full portfolio of different technologies (integrated optics, MOEMS, fiber optics ... ) through companies buy-outs. This report is an overview of European activities in the fields of components for wavelength-handling in all-optical networks for telecommunication (routing, splitting, multiplexing, add-dropping, attenuating ... ).
Key issues
- Which technologies are developed ?
- What are the advantages and limitations of the different technologies ?
- What are the last companies buy-outs ?
- What is the position of Europe compared to USA and Japan in the fields of MOEMS?
- What is new in optical components technologies ?
- Trends in materials (Si, polymers, glass...) Assumptions on the technologies evolution.
Technology coverage
- Integrated optics
- Fiber optics
- MOEMS Thin films
- Micro-optics
Product coverage
- Switch
- Polariser
- Attenuator
- Couplers
- Splitter
Table of Contents
Executive summary
- Introduction: report overview
- Major market trends
- Major technological trends
- Conclusions
Chapter 1: Introduction
- Objective of this report
- Scope of report
- Information sources
- Plan of this report
Chapter 2: Technologies description and trends
- Definition of the technologies
- Description of MEMS/MOEMS technologies
- Main European suppliers
- Trends and new developments
- Description of fiber optics technologies
- Main European suppliers
- Trends and new developments
- Description of integrated optics technologies
- Main European suppliers
- Trends and new developments
- Description of micro-optics technologies
- Main European suppliers
- Trends and new developments
- Description of thin films technologies
- Main European suppliers
- Trends and new developments
- Conclusions
Chapter 3: MOEMS, an emerging and promising technology
- European countries analysis
- European Union strengths and weaknesses
- Position of Europe compared to USA in the field of MOEMS
- Position of Europe compared to Asia in the field of MOEMS
Chapter 4: Conclusions
- Focus on the key analysis
- Perspectives
Chapter 5: Profiles of most significant European companies and R&D institutes
- Benelux (The Netherlands / Belgium) Description of 3 actors
- England / Scotland / Ireland Description of 21 actors
- France Description of 23 actors
- Germany Description of 26 actors
- Italy / Spain Description of 12 actors
- Scandinavia (Denmark / Finland / Sweden Norway) Description of 17 actors
- Switzerland Description of 5 actors