1.0 Introduction
2.0 Advantages of POF Over Copper or Glass
3.0 Market and Technological Drivers for POF
3.1 Technical Factors
3.2 Markets
3.3 Summary
4.0 POF Overview
4.1 Historical Perspective 14
4.2 POF Developments in Japan 14
4.3 POF in the US 18
4.4 POF in Europe .... 19
4.5 Technical Characteristics of POF Fibers 19
4.5.1 Basic Technical Characteristics 20
4.5.2 Materials used for POF 25
4.5.3 Attenuation 25
4.6 High Temperature Plastic Optical Fibers 28
4.6.1 Bandwidth 30
4.6. 1.1 Low NA Step Index Fibers 30
4.6.2 Graded Index PMMA POF (GI-POF) 35 Graded Index Perfluorinated POF 38
4.7 Manufacturing Methods of POF 38
4.7.1 Step Index POF 38
4.7.2 Manufacturing Graded Index POF 41
4.8 Light Sources 43
4.8.1 LEDs 43 Feasibility of Low NA LED 44 Low NA LED Source Perspective for POF Data Link 50
4.9 Optical Amplifiers 58
4.10 Optical Connectors 61
4.11 Splicing 63
4.12 Couplers 64
4.13 Switches and Integrated Optics 65
4.14 Planar Waveguides and Other Passive Devices 66
4.15 Test Equipment 67
4.16 POF Hardware 67
4.17 Environmental Testing of POF Components 68
4.18 Conclusion 68
5.0 Illustrative Examples of POF Data Communications Applications 69
5.1 Introduction 69
5.2 Range of Applications 70
5.3 Optocouplers 74
5.4 Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Interconnects 76
5.5 Digital Audio Interface 77
5.6 Avionic Data Links 81
5.6.1 Practical Experience in Military and Civilian Avionic Systems 82
5.6.2 McDonald Douglas82
5.6.3 Boeing 84
5.6.4 Requirements for in Aircraft 86
5.7 Automotive Applications of POF 87
5.7.1 Class A Multiplexed Networks 92
5.7.2 Class B Networks 93
5.7.3 Class C Networks 94
5.7.4 Fiber Optic Multiplexing 95 Multiplexing Costs and Market 96
5.8 Local Area Networks 97
5.8.1 Netronix :"*"***'*"**""*****'****'**********"*97
5.8. 1.1 POF v. Glass Comparison 101 Operating Experience 102
5.8.2 Codenoll 102
5.8.3 Mitsubishi Rayon 106
5.8.4 NEC Corp . 106
5.9 Centronics Links 107
5. 10 RS-232 Links 108
5.11 IEEE 1394 Fire Wire 110
5.12 Tollbooth Applications 113
5.13 Underground Storage Tanks (UST) 115
5.14 Factory Automation 115
5.15 Medical Applications 117
5.16 High Voltage Isolation 119
5.17 Home Automation 121
5.17.1 CEBus .............................................................. 121
5.17.2 Home Access Network (HAN) 122
5.17.3 IEEE 1394 Hotspur 126
5.17 Test Equipment 127
5.18 Security (Tempest) 128
5.19 EML(RFI 129
5.20 Hydraulic Lifts 129
5.22 Trains 132
5.23 Controller Area Network (CAN) 132
5.24 Point of Sales Terminals 133
5.25 Robotics 133
5.26 Programmable Controllers (PLC) 134
5.27 Instrumentation 135
5.28 High Speed Video 135
5.29 Video 136
5.30 POF and Wireless
6.0 POF Cost Comparisons 138
7.0 POF and Related Standards 145
7.1 What drives standards? 145
7.2 History of the Development of Fiber Optics Standards 146
7.3 Trends in POF Standards Trends 146
7.4 SERCOS 150
7.5 Centronics Links 150
7.6 RS 232 Links 152
7.7 RS-422 152
7.8 Controller Area Network (CAN) 152
7.9 IEEE Standard 1596-1992 Scalable Coherent Interface 153
7.10 IEEE- 1394 High Speed Service Bus Standard (Fire Wire) 154
7.11 IEEE LAN Standards 155
7.12 SAE Truck and Bus Committee 157
7.13 CEBus 158
7.14 Automated Meter Reading Standards 159
7.15 IBM Escon 159
7.16 Fibre Channel 159
7.18 DOD-STD-1553 Optical Data Bus 160
7.19 STANAG 39 10 Optical Data Bus 161
7.20 IEEE 802.8 POF Study Group - "A POF Compromise 164
7.21 ARINC 629 - High Speed Data Bus for Commercial Aircraft 165
7.22 ARINC 636 - On-Board Local Area Networks (OLAN) 167
7.23 ATM 168
7.24 NEMI (National Electrical Manufacturers Initiative) 171
7.25 Universal Serial Bus (USB) 171
7.26 Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) 172
7.27 Japanese POF Standards 172
7.28 IEC 175
7.29 Standards Summary 175
8.0 POF Components - Present Status 177
8.1 POF Fibers 177
8. 1.1 Mitsubishi Rayon 177
8.1.2 Asahi 182
8.1.3 Toray Industries Inc 185
8.1.4 Boston Optical Fiber (BOF) 187
8.1.5 Research Production Center for Plastic Optical Fiber 190
8.2 POF Cables 191
8.2.1 Mitsubishi Rayon Co. Ltd 191
8.2.2 Asahi Chemical Co. Ltd 198
8.2.3 Toray Industries Co . 200
8.4 POF Light Sources 203
8.4.1 LEDs 203
8.4.2 Laser Diodes 207
8.5 Photodiodes 207
8.6 Connectors 209
8.7 Couplers 209
8.8 Test Equipment 209
8.9 Splicing Equipment 212
8. 10 Hardware 212
8.11 Data Links 213
8.12 Summary 215
9.0 POF Component Price Trends 216
9.1 POF Fibers 216
9. 1.1 Step Index Fibers 216
9.1.2 Graded Index POF 220
9.2 Cables 220
9.3 Cable Assemblies 223
9.4 POF Transmitters and Receivers 224
9.5 Conclusions 225
10.0 Factors Affecting Market Growth 226
10.1 Technology 226
10.2 Standards 226
10.3 Market Needs 227
10.4 Government Funding 229
10.5 Education of Endusers 229
11.0 POF Activities in Various Countries 230
11.1 us 230
11.2 Plastic Optical Fiber Organization in Japan 232
11.3 POF in Europe 233
11.3.1 French Plastic Optical Fibre Club (FOP) 233
12.0 POF Market Projections 237
12.1 Overall Opto-electronics Market 237
12.2 How the Japanese View the POF Market 239
12.3 IGIC's Forecast of the POF Market 239
12.3.1 Worldwide POF Market Summary 241
12.3.2 The U.S. Market for POF 244
13.0 Profiles of Major POF Datacomm Suppliers 252
13.1 3M 252
13.2 Acome 253
13.3 Amoco Chemical Co 254
13.4 AMP Inc . 254
13.5 Asahi Chemical Industry Co. Ltd 256
13.6 AT&T 257
13.7 Augat Aster 258
13.8 Bayer AG 258
13.9 BDM International 259
13.10 Boston Optical Fiber 259
13.11 Bridgestone Corp 261
13.12 Brookhaven National Laboratory 261
13.13 Center National d'Etudes des Telecommunications (CNET) 261
13.14 Codenoll Technology Corp 263
13.15 Dow Chemical USA 266
13.16 Dupont 267
13.17 Fotec Inc 267
13.18 Fujitsu Ltd 268
13.19 Hewlett Packard 268
13.20 Hirschmann of America Inc 269
13.21 Hitachi America Ltd 269
13.22 Hoechst Celanese 270
13.23 Honeywell Optoelectronics 271
13.24 HSPN (High Speed Plastic Network) 271
13.25 IBM Research Laboratories 272
13.26 Keio University 272
13.27 Leviton Telecom 273
13.28 Microparts Gesellschaft 273
13.29 Mitsubishi Rayon 273
13.30 Molex Fiber 274
13.31 Motorola Inc . 275
13.32 Nanoptics 275
13.33 NEC Electronics
13.34 NEC Research Institute 276
13.35 Netronix 276
13.36 Omron Electronics Inc 277
13.37 Optectron SA 277
13.38 Packard Electric (now Delphi Packard Electric Systems) 278
13.39 Panduit 278
13.40 Peachtree Fiber Optics 278
13.41 Polycore Technologies 279
13.42 Research Production Center for Polymer Optical Fiber 280
13.43 Polyoptical Products 281
13.44 Rohm GbmH 281
13.45 Sharp Electronics 282
13.46 Siemens Components Inc . 282
13.47 Siliconix Inc 283
13.48 SONY Corp. of America 283
13.49 SpecTran Specialty Optics Co . 283
13.50 1.1. Stanley 284
13.51 Stewart Connector Systems Inc . 284
13.52 Sumitomo Electric 284
13.53 Teijin Ltd 285
13.54 Thomas and Betts 285
13.55 Toray Industries Inc 285
13.56 Toshiba America 286
13.57 TRA-CON Inc 286
13.58 United Technologies Research 287
14.0 Opportunities in the Emerging POF Business 288
14.1 Cables and Fiber 288
14.2 Connectors 288
14.3 Sources 288
14.4 Couplers 288
14.5 Test Equipment 289
14.6 Splicing 289
14.7 Hardware 289
14.8 Data Links 289
14.9 Distribution 289
14. 10 Design and Engineering 289
15.0 Strategies for Success in the POF Market 290
Exhibit 2.1
Exhibit 4.1
Exhibit 4.2
Exhibit 4.3
Exhibit 4.4
Exhibit 4.5
Exhibit 4.6
Exhibit 4.7
Exhibit 4.8
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Exhibit 4.
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Exhibit 4.25
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Exhibit 4.38
Exhibit 5.1
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Exhibit 5.3
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Exhibit 5.5
Exhibit 5.6
Exhibit 5.7
Exhibit 5.8
Exhibit 5.9a
Exhibit 5.9b
Exhibit 5.9c
Exhibit 5. 10
Exhibit 5. 11
Exhibit 5.12
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Exhibit 5.19
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Exhibit 5.25
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Exhibit 5.30
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Exhibit 5.42
Exhibit 5.43
Exhibit 5.44
Exhibit 5.45
Exhibit 6.1
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Exhibit 6.3
Exhibit 6.4
Exhibit 6.5
Exhibit 7.1a
Exhibit 7. lb
Exhibit 7.1c
Exhibit 7.2
Exhibit 7.3
Exhibit 7.4
Exhibit 7.5
Exhibit 7.6
Exhibit 7.7
Exhibit 7.8
Exhibit 7.9
Exhibit 7. 10
Exhibit 8.1
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Exhibit 8.3
Exhibit 8.4a
Exhibit 8.4b
Exhibit 8.5
Exhibit 8.6
Exhibit 8.7
Exhibit 8.8
Exhibit 8.9
Exhibit 8. 10
Exhibit 8.11
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Exhibit 8.13
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Exhibit 8. 15
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Exhibit 8.19
Exhibit 8.20
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Exhibit 8.22
Exhibit 8.23
Exhibit 8.24
Exhibit 8.25
Exhibit 8.26
Exhibit 8.27
Exhibit 8.28
Exhibit 8.29
Exhibit 8.30
Exhibit 8.31
Exhibit 8.32
Exhibit 8.33
Exhibit 8.34
Exhibit 9.1
Exhibit 9.2
Exhibit 9.3
Exhibit 9.4
Exhibit 9.5
Exhibit 9.6
Exhibit 9.7
Exhibit 10. 1
Exhibit 11. 1
Exhibit 12.1
Exhibit 12.2
Exhibit 12.3
Exhibit 12.4
Exhibit 12.5
Exhibit 12.6
Exhibit 12.7
Exhibit 12.8
Exhibit 12.9
Exhibit 12. 10
Exhibit 12.11
Exhibit 12.12
Exhibit 12.13
Exhibit 12.14
Exhibit 12.15
Exhibit 12.16
Exhibit 13.1