The telecommunications market is booming, opening new markets for test and measurement products. Some of these new markets include ADSL, ATM, Internet, all optical networks, WDM, HFC, premise wiring, Gigabit Ethernet, 1394 and the list goes on. The purpose of this study is to forecast the market growth, determine market share of the leading manufacturers, key technologies, applications driving the market and trends within the Test and M industry. This study is essential for T&M manufacturers, end-users, distributors and carriers who need to understand the various trends within the various T&M markets. In addition, IGIC provides detailed profiles of the major players of each sector and their strategies. 1998.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
- E-1.0. Introduction
- E-2.0. Fiber Optics Testing
- E-2.1. Fiber Link Testing
- E-2.2. SONET/SDH Testing
- E-2.3. WDM Testing
- E-3.0. Copper Based Systems Testing
- E-3.1. T-Carrier Testing
- E-3.2. ISDN Testing
- E-3.3. xDSL Testing
- E-3.4. Category 5 UTP Testing
- E-4.0. Enterprise Network Protocol Analyzers
- E-4.1. LAN Analyzers
- E-4.2. WAN Analyzers
- E-4.3. ATM Analyzers
- E-5.0. CATV Testing
- E-6.0 Wireless Communiucations Testing
- E-6.1. Wireless Field Testing Equipment
- E-6.2. Network Design and Optimization
- E-6.3. Wireless Efficiency Testing
- E-7.0. Internet Testing
- E-8.0. Consumer Electronics Testing
1.0. Introduction
- 1.1. Overview of the Telecommunications Market
- 1.2. Summary of Market Trends
- 1.3. Telecommunications Market Breakdown
- 1.4. Developing Technologies in Telecommunications
- 1.5. Overview of Telecommunications T&M Market Segments
- 1.6. Summary of Market Trends in Telecommunications T&M
- 1.7. Telecommunications Test and Measurement 5-Year Forecast
2.0. Fiber Optics
- 2.0.1. Fiber Optics Market
- 2.0.2. Summary of Market Segments
- Long Distance
- Utilities
- CATV/Premise Wiring
- Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
- Submarine Cable Systems
- 2.0.3. Fiber Optic Trends
- 2.0.4. Major Players in Fiber Optics
- 2.0.5. Total Fiber Optics Market Five-Year Forecast
- 2.1. Fiber Optic Test & Measurement Overview
- 2.1.1. Summary of Fiber Optics T&M Market Segments
- 2.1.2. Fiber Optics Field Testing Market
- 2.1.3. Trends in Fiber Optic Testing
- 2.1.4. Emerging Technologies in Fiber Optics Test and Measurement
- 2.1.5. Fiber Optics Test and Measurement 5-Year Market Forecasts
- 2.2. Fiber Optic Link Testing
- 2.2.1. Summary of Fiber Link Testing Market
- 2.2.2. Emerging Technologies
- 2.2.3. Product Strategies, Pricing and Manufacturers
- 2.2.4. OTDRs
- OTDR/Mini OTDR Manufacturers
- 2.2.5. Fiber Optic Test Equipment Market Projections and Shares
- 2.3. WDM Testing
- 2.3.1. Introduction to WDM
- 2.3.2. WDM Market
- 2.3.3. WDM Trends
- 2.3.4. Need for WDM Testing
- 2.3.5. Trends in WDM Testing
- 2.3.6. Products used in WDM testing
- 2.3.7. WDM Market Projections and Shares
- 2.3.8. Status of WDM Standards
- 2.4. SONET/SDH Testing
- 2.4.1. SONET/SDH Overview
- 2.4.2. SONET/SDH Market
- 2.4.3. SONET/SDH Trends
- 2.4.4. SONET/SDH Testing Overview
- 2.4.5. SONET/SDH Testing Trends
- 2.4.6. SONET/SDH Field Testing Market
- 2.4.7. Status of SONET/SDH Standards
3.0. Copper Based Telecommunications Systems
- 3.0.1. Copper Based Telecommunications Market Overview
- 3.0.2. Summary of Market Segments
- 3.0.3. T-Carrier Market
- 3.0.4. ISDN Market
- 3.0.5. xDSL Market
- 3.0.6. Copper Premise Wiring/Category 5 Market
- 3.0.7. Market Trends
- 3.0.8. Emerging Technologies
- 3.0.9. Total Copper Based Telecommunications Five-Year Forecasts
- 3.1. Summary of Copper Based Telecom System Test and Measurement Markets
- 3.1.1. Trends in Copper Based Test and Measurement
- 3.1.2. Emerging Technologies in Test and Measurement
- 3.1.3. Major Players
- 3.1.4. Copper Based Test and Measurement Five-Year Forecasts
- 3.2. T-Carrier Testing
- 3.2.1. Summary of T-Carrier Testing Market
- 3.2.2. Emerging Testing Technologies
- 3.2.3. Product Strategies, Pricing and Manufacturers
- 3.2.4. T-Carrier Field Testing Market Projections and Shares
- 3.3. ISDN Testing
- 3.3.1. Summary of ISDN Testing Market
- 3.3.2. Patterns and Trends of Testing Methods
- 3.3.3. Product Strategies, Pricing and Manufacturers
- 3.3.4. ISDN Field Testing Market Projections and Shares
- 3.3.5. ISDN Testing in Manufacturing and R&D
- 3.3.6. Status of Standards
- 3.4. xDSL Testing
- 3.4.1. Summary of xDSL Testing Market
- 3.4.2. Testing Options for xDSL modems (Emerging Technologies)
- 3.4.3. Market Projections and Shares
- 3.4.4. Status of Standards
- 3.5. Premise Wiring Testing
- 3.5.1. Summary of Category 5 Testing Market
- 3.5.2. Technology Developments
- 3.5.3. Product Strategies, Pricing and Manufacturers
- 3.5.4. Category 5 Field Test Equipment Market Projections and Shares
- 3.5.5. Status of Cabling Standards
- 3.6. TIMS Field Testing
- 3.7. Time Domain Reflectometers (TDRs)
- 3.7.1. Applications of TDRs
- 3.7.2. Present Parameters Measured By TDRs in the Field
- 3.7.3. Time Domain Reflectometer Market Shares
4.0. Enterprise Networks
- 4.0.1. Market Overview
- 4.0.2. Summary of Market Segments
- Fast Ethernet
- Gigabit Ethernet
- Token Ring
- 4.0.3. Market Trends
- 4.0.4. Emerging Technologies
- 4.0.5. Major Players
- 4.0.6. Total Enterprise Network Market 5-Year Forecasts
- 4.1. Enterprise Network Testing Market
- 4.1.1. Summary of Market Segments
- 4.1.2. Field Testing
- 4.1.3. Trends/Technologies in Enterprise Network Test and Measurement
- 4.1.4. Product Strategies, Pricing & Manufacturers
- 4.1.5. Market Share and Projections
- 4.1.6. LAN Field Level 2 Protocol Analyzers
- 4.1.7. WAN Testing Equipment Market
- 4.1.8. Total Enterprise Protocol (LAN, WAN, ATM) Test and Measurement 5-Year Forecasts
- 4.2. Dedicated ATM Protocol Analyzer Market
- 4.2.1. Product Strategies, Pricing and Manufacturers
- 4.2.2. Market Share and Projections
5.0. CATV
- 5.0.1. Market Overview
- 5.0.2. Summary of Segments
- Wireline CATV
- Wireline CATV
- 5.0.3. Market Trends and Emerging Technologies
- 5.0.4. CATV Forecasts
- 5.1. CATV Field Testing
- 5.1.1. Market Overview
- 5.1.2. Wireline CATV Testing
- Wireless CATV Testing
- 5.1.3. Cable Standards
- 5.1.4. Approximate CATV Field Test Equipment Market Share
6.0 Wireless Telecommunications Overview
- 6.0.1. Market Overview
- 6.0.2. Summary of Market Segments
- Cellular and PCS markets
- Cellular and PCS Standards
- Wireless Local Loop
- Wireless Local Loop Standards
- The DECT (Digital European Cordless Telephone) Cordless Standard
- PACS ( Personal Access-Communication System)
- PHS: 1.9 GHz Personal Handyphone System
- Enhanced Specialized Mobile Radio (ESMR), Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR)
- 6.0.4. Emerging Technologies
- Wireless LAN
- Cellular Digital Packet Data (Wireless Data)
- Spread Spectrum
- Wireless ATM
- 6.0.5. Total Wireless Market and Segmented Five Year Forecasts
- 6.1. Wireless Telecommunications Testing
- 6.1.1. Overview of Field Wireless Telecommunications Test and Measurement Market
- 6.1.2. Overview Wireless Test and Measurement
- 6.1.3. Wireless Research and Development Testing
- 6.1.4. Wireless Manufacturing Testing and Test Equipment
- 6.1.5. Wireless Field Testing and Test Equipment
- 6.2. General Wireless Field Test and Measurement Market Overview
- 6.2.1. General Wireless Field Test and Measurement Market Size and Players
- 6.3. Network Design and Optimization Market Overview
- 6.3.1. Network Design and Optimization Process
- 6.3.2. Wireless Network Design and Optimization Market Share
- 6.4. Wireless Quality of Service Testing Market Overview
- 6.4.1. Wireless Quality of Service Testing Overview
- 6.4.2. Wireless Quality of Service Testing Market Share
- 6.5. Emerging Trends in Wireless Field Test and Measurement
List of Exhibits
- Exhibit 1.3. Telecommunciations Market Breakdown
- Exhibit 1.3.1. Telecom Spending Breakdown
- Exhibit 1.7. Telecom Field Test and Measurement 5-year Forecast
- Exhibit 2.0.4. Worldwide SONET Equipment Production
- Exhibit Worldwide SONET Equipment Production
- Exhibit Worldwide Optical Fiber Production
- Exhibit Worldwide DWDM Systems Systems Products
- Exhibit 2.1.5. Fiber Optic Test and Measurement Five-year Market Forecast
- Exhibit 2.2. Fiber Link Optic Testing Procedures (parameters)
- Exhibit 2.2.3. Summary of Fiber Optic Testing Equipment
- Exhibit 2.2.4. OTDR/MiniOTDR Manufacturers
- Exhibit OTDR/MiniOTDR Manufacturers
- Exhibit 2.2.5. Fiber Link Test Equipment Market Projections and Shares
- Exhibit Approximate Fiber Link Field Testing Equipment Market Share
- Exhibit Fiber Optic Link Test Equipment Market Five-Year Forecast
- Exhibit 2.3.6. WDM Testing Products
- Exhibit 2.3.7. WDM Test Equipment Market
- Exhibit 2.4.6. SONET/SDH Field Testing Market
- Exhibit Approximate SONET/SDH Field Testing Equipment Market Share
- Exhibit SONET/SDH Field Test Equipment Five -year Market Forecast
- Exhibit 3.0.4. ISDN Equipment Market
- Exhibit 3.0.5. Forecast of xDSL Deployments by U.S. Carriers for Consumer High-Speed Access Services
- Exhibit 3.0.6. North American Premise Wiring Equipment Market
- Exhibit 3.0.9. Copper Premise Wiring Five-Year Forecasts
- Exhibit 3.1.4. Copper Based Test and Measurement Five-Year Forecast
- Exhibit 3.2.3. T1 Product Comparisons
- Exhibit 3.2.4. T-Carrier Field Testing Market
- Exhibit Approximate T-Carrier Field Testing Equipment Market Share
- Exhibit T-Carrier Field Testing Equipment Market Five-Year Forecast
- Exhibit 3.3.4. ISDN Field Testing Market
- Exhibit Approximate ISDN Field Testing Euquipment Market Share
- Exhibit 3.4.2. Testing Options for xDSL modems (Emerging Technologies)
- Exhibit 3.4.3. xDSL Field Testing Market
- Exhibit xDSL Field Testing Equipment Five-year Market Forecast
- Exhibit 3.5.3. Level II Category 5 Cable Analyzers
- Exhibit 3.5.4 Category 5 Field Test Equipment Market
- Exhibit Approximate Share in Category 5 Field Testing Market
- Exhibit 3.7.3. Time Domain Reflectometer Market
- Exhibit Gigabit Ethernet Equipment Market
- Exhibit ATM Equipment Market
- Exhibit Enterpise Network Protocol Comparison
- Exhibit 4.0.6. Total Enterprise Network Market 5-Year Forecasts
- Exhibit 4.1.1 Common Networking Technologies Tested by Today's Protocol Analyzers
- Exhibit 4.1.4. LAN Analyzer Comparison
- Exhibit WAN Analyzers
- Exhibit ATM Analyzers
- Exhibit 4.1.6. LAN Field Level 2 Protocol Analyzer Market
- Exhibit Approximate LAN Field Level 2 Protocol Analyzer Market Share
- Exhibit 4.1.7 WAN Protocol Analyzer Market
- Exhibit Approximate WAN Protocol Analyzer Market Share
- Exhibit 4.1.8. Total Enterprise Protocol Test and Measurement 5-year Forecasts
- Exhibit 4.2.2 ATM Specific Analyzers Market
- Exhibit Approximate ATM Specific Analyzer Market Share
- Exhibit Miles of CATV Fiber Deployed
- Exhibit 5.0.4. Cable Modem Market Summary 1996-2005
- Exhibit 5.1.4. CATV Testing Market
- Exhibit Approximate CATV Field Test Equipment Market Share
- Exhibit Total CATV Field Test Equipment Market Five-year Forecast
- Exhibit Worldwide Cellular Revenues
- Exhibit Analog Cellular Technologies
- Exhibit Annual New Subscribers Added By Technology
- Exhibit PCS Projected Total Revenues
- Exhibit Wireless Local Loop Worldwide Projected Total Revenues
- Exhibit Wireless Datacom Technologies
- Exhibit 6.0.5. WLL World-Wide Projected Revenues
- Exhibit PCS World-Wide Projected Revenues
- Exhibit 6.1. Total Wireless Field Test and Measurement Equipment Market
- Exhibit 6.1.3. Wireless Research and Devolpement Testing and Testing Equipment
- Exhibit 6.1.4. Wireless Manufacturing Testing and Test Equipment
- Exhibit 6.1.5. Wireless Field Testing and Test Equipment
- Exhibit 6.2.2. General Wireless Field Test and Measurement Market Size and Players
- Exhibit 6.2.3. General Wireless Field Test and Measurement Market Share
- Exhibit 6.2.4. General Wireless Field Test and Measurment Equipment Market
- Exhibit 6.3.2. Wireless Network Design and Optimization Market Share
- Exhibit Wireless Network Optimization Estimated Market Share
- Exhibit Wireless Network Optimization Market
- Exhibit 6.4.2. Wireless Quality of Service Testing Market Share
- Exhibit 7.1. Total Internet Market Growth
- Exhibit 8.4. Total 1394 Market