Market Studies

World Fiber Optics Telecommunications Series

This four volume series contains reports on the following:

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This series on international fiber optic telecommunications discusses the history of fiber optic telecommunications in specific regions, each carrier, major suppliers, future predictions, and an understanding of where the growth markets will be. Forecasts for the future growth are shown in several charts. However, this report does not go into detail on systems, components, or standards. These areas are covered in many excellent market research reports now available from IGI.

What the reports can do is give leads to suppliers and manufacturers in particular countries and to the carriers themselves. The reports are to aid carriers in building or upgrading networks at the most reasonable cost and expanded bandwidth. New carriers are at an advantage in that they can put in the newest technologies using fiber and the associated equipment. The entrenched carriers meanwhile look to the newest technology whether it be OC-192 or dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM), or a combination of both to "fix" their networks.