ADSL: Copper turns to Gold
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 History of ADSL
1.2 The Evolving Access Network
1.2.1 Existing Telco
1.2.2 Existing CATV
1.2.3 Hybrid Fiber-Coax Networks
1.3 Penetration of Fiber Optics into the Access Network
1.4 Penetration of ISDN
1.4.1 Summary of ISDN Deployment
1.4.2 Summary of ISDN Penetration
1.5 The Full Service Access Network
1.6 The Demise of Video Dialtone
1.7 The Reappearance of ADSL for High-Speed Internet Access
1.7.1 History of the Internet
1.7.2 Structure of the Internet
1.7.3 Internet Service Providers and ADSL
1.8 BOC Plans for ADSL
1.8.1 Joint Procurement Consortium
2.0 Technology Overview
2.1 Digital Subscriber Line Technology
2.1.1 QAM
2.1.2 DMT
2.1.3 CAP
2.2 ADSL
2.3 HDSL
2.4 SDSL
2.5 VDSL
2.5.1 Standards
2.6 Rate Adaptive DSL
2.7 Compatibility with ATM, Frame Relay and Ethernet
2.8 ADSL vs. Cable Modems
2.9 Network Architectures for ADSL
2.9.1 Home Run
2.9.2 Digital Loop Carriers and DSL Access Multiplexers (DSLAM)
2.9.4 ADSL and ATM
3.0 Standards
3.1 ANSI
3.2 ETSI
3.3 ITU
3.5 ADSL Forum
3.6 ATM Forum
3.7 IEEE
3.8 DMT Interoperability Forum
4.0 Viability of Applications
4.1 Internet Access
4.2 Video on Demand
4.3 Remote LAN Access and Telecommuting
4.4 LAN Interconnection/LAN-WAN Services
4.5 Switched Digital Data Services
4.6 Education
4.7 Desktop conferencing
5.0 Market Drivers
5.1 Residential Broadband Services
5.2 Embedded Base of Copper
5.3 Speed to Market
5.4 Full Service Networks
5.5 Competition from Cable Operators, Satellite
6.0 Obstacles to Growth
6.1 Cost of Hardware, Management
6.2 Complexity
6.3 Distance Limitations
6.4 Compatibility with Existing Infrastructure
6.5 Impact of Competing Technologies
6.5.1 Competition with Cable Modems
6.5.2 ISDN
6.5.3 56-kbps Analog Modems
6.5.4 Wireless Data Services
6.5.5 ATM
7.0 Ongoing Trials and
Commercial Deployments of ADSL
7.1 Ameritech
7.2 Bell Atlantic
7.3 BellSouth
7.4 GTE
7.4.1 Irving, Texas
7.4.2 Redmond, Washington/Microsoft
7.5 Nynex
7.6 Pacific Bell
7.7 SBC Communications
7.8 US West
7.10 Telstra
7.11 BT
7.12 Bell Canada
7.13 Edmonton Tel
7.14 France Telecom: Camille Project
7.15 SaskTel
7.16 Other International Trials
7.17 InterAccess ADSL Internet service
8.0 Ten-Year Forecasts
8.0.1 Short-term Market Growth
8.0.2 Long-Term Market Growth
8.1 XDSL and the Internet
8.2 Penetration of Service
8.3 Equipment Forecasts
8.3.1 ADSL
8.3.2 HDSL
8.3.3 SDSL
8.3.4 VDSL
9.0 ADSL, HDSL, VDSL and SDSL Equipment Manufacturers
9.1 ADC Telecommunications
9.2 Adtran
9.3 AG Communications Systems
9.4 Alcatel Telecom
9.5 Amati Communications
9.6 Analog Devices
9.7 Ariel Communications
9.8 Ascom Ericsson
9.9 AT&T Microelectronics
9.10 Aware Inc.
9.11 Broadband Technologies
9.12 Broadcom
9.13 Brooktree
9.14 Cabletron Systems
9.16 ECI Telecom
9.17 Ericsson Schrack AG
9.18 Fastcomm Communications Corp.
9.19 Harris Semiconductor
9.20 IPL Datron
9.21 IPM Datacom
9.22 Level One Communications
9.23 MediaLight
9.24 Lucky Goldstar Inc.
9.25 MetaLink
9.26 Motorola
9.27 NEC
9.28 NorTel
9.29 Orckit Communications
9.30 PairGain Technologies
9.31 Paradyne Corp.
9.32 Performance Telecom
9.33 Pulsecom
9.34 Reltec
9.35 Siemens Corp.
9.36 Sourcecom
9.37 Teltrend
9.38 Texas Instruments
9.39 Tut Systems
9.40 Westell Technologies Inc.
10.0 Strategies for Success
10.1 Carriers
10.2 Manufacturers
10.3 Microelectronics Firms
10.4 ISPs
List of Exhibits
E 1.1 Growth of Digital over CopperTechnologies
E 1.2 The Total DSL Network
E 1.3 Access Networks Compared
E 1.4 The Telephone Companies Local Exchange Network
E 1.5 Cable TV Tree-and-Branch Topology
E 1.6 Hybrid Fiber Coax Network Topology
E 1.7 FTTC Network Architecture
E 1.8 Displacement of Copper by Fiber in the Telephone Local Loop
E 1.9 Fiber and Copper in Total Plant in Relation to Access Lines - End of Year 1995
E 1.10 Change in Embedded Base of Copper and Fiber in the U.S. Telephone Plant
E 1.11 ISDN Lines Sold in the U.S. (as of 8/30/96)
E 1.12 ISDN Deployment by Telco, 1995
E 1.13 ISDN Growth Rate by Telco, 1994-1995
E 1.14 ISDN Penetration by Telco (9/1/96)
E 1.15 High-Speed Copper Access Technologies Compared
E 1.16 Telephone Company Internet Access Initiatives
E 1.17 Telco Current Video Strategies
E 1.18 Telco Strategies for ADSL
E 2.1 QAM, CAP and DMT Transceivers
E 2.2 ADSL Frequency Allocation
E 2.3 Single-Pair SDSL and Single-Pair HDSL Loop Reach Table
E 2.4 Proposed VDSL Data Rates and Ranges (ANSI)
E 2.5 VDSL Channel Separation Scheme
Figure 2.6 Active and Passive Network Termination in VDSL Systems
E 2.7 Architectural Implementation of XDSL and ATM Technology
E 3.1 ADSL Standards Comparison
E 3.2 ANSI minimum specifications for ADSL
Figure 3.3 Transport Classes of the T1E1.4 ADSL Standard
E 3.4 ADSL Forum Reference Model
E 4.1 Typical Internet PoP
E 7.1 Telephone Company Trials of ADSL
E 7.2 GTE ADSL Trial in Irving, Texas
E 7.3 GTE/Microsoft ADSL Trial
E 7.4 Nynex Broadband Access Strategy
E 7.5 US West !NTERACT Trial of High-Speed Internet Access
E 7.6 Telstra MediaStream ADSL Pilot Configuration
E 7.7 Deployment of ADSL as an adjunct to HFC in the Telstra Network
Figure 7.8 France Telecom Camille Project Timeline
E 7.9 International Trials of ADSL
E 7.10 InterAccess ADSL Pricing
E 8.1 ADSL Market Growth
E 8.2 U.S. Internet Homes by Access Method, 1996-2005
E 8.3 Telco Subscribers to XDSL Internet Access Services
E 8.4 Telco Revenues from xDSL Services
E 8.5 Annual U.S. Market for xDSL Equipment, 1996-2005 (Thousands of units shipped)
E 8.6 Ten-Year Cumulative Forecast of xDSL Deployment in the U.S. Market (Millions of Units Deployed)
E 8.6 Continued, XDSL Deployment, 1996 - 2005
E 8.7 Total XDSL Deployments by Market Segment (Millions)
E 8.8 ADSL Equipment Market, 1996-2005 ($US Millions)
E 8.9 HDSL Equipment Market, 1996-2005
E 8.10 Ten-Year SDSL Equipment Market
E 8.11 Ten-Year VDSL Equipment Market
E 9.1 Amati Overture Product Specifications
E 9.2 NEC ADSL/VDSL Access Architecture
E 9.3 Nortel Internet Thruway Architecture
E 9.4 Orckit Product Line
E 9.5 PairGain Trial of High-Speed ADSL-based Internet Access with Citizens Telecom
E 9.6 Paradyne RADSL Specifications
E 9.7 Pulsecom DSL Architecture
E 9.8 Reltec Fiberstar Access System
E 9.9 Sourcecom Broadband Access Networking Strategy
E 9.10 Westell FlexCAP-PC Configurations