Study Descriptions
ADSL: Copper turns to Gold
ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) technology is made resurgences in 1996 as telcos look for alternatives to costly network infrastructure upgrades such as HFC and fiber to the curb. ADSL takes the existing copper telephone line and turns it into a digital pathway capable of carrying up to 8 Mbps downstream and 1 Mbps upstream, making it ideal for high-speed Internet access services, telecommuting, remote LAN access and other emerging residential broadband applications. ADSL technology can also be used in business environments as a high-speed link between corporate intranets, or a low-cost alternative to T-1 and Fractional T-1 lines. This report provides an in-depth look at ADSL, as well as other DSL technologies (HDSL, SDSL, VDSL), and their potential for success in the highly competitive local loop. 1996, $2995, ITEM # IGIC17 Table of Contents
Sonet: The Third Wave
SONET markets in the US are entering the third wave. In the first wave, SONET was a quasi-experimental transmission technology deployed in pockets by local and long-distance carriers. In the second wave, fueled by improved operational support systems and high-level standards development, SONET was installed more widely. Now, in SONET's third wave, SONET is spreading even further, becoming the transmission standard of choice for most service providers and even mpacting enterprise networks. SONET is also pushing the envelope in terms of bandwidth. With the arrival of OC-192, SONET is the first commercial communications technology to operate in the tens-of-gigabits-per-second range.
This new report from IGI Consulting analyzes the third-wave SONET market in depth and provides detailed quantitative forecasts for SONET markets both in the public carrier and enterprise networking segments. It also discusses what impact the third wave of SONET deployment will have on the major equipment vendors and component vendors, each of whom is profiled in depth. This important report also includes ten-year projections for SONET equipment and service. The analysis and projections in SONET: The Third Wave are based on personal and telephone interviews, attendance at trade shows, published data from government and industry sources and an exhaustive computerized literature search, 1996, $2995, ITEM # IGIC18
Plastic Optical Fibers for Data Communication
Optical telecommunications using POF (Plastic Optical Fibers) have not reached their potential for a number of reasons, the foremost being the rapid growth of Glass Optical Fiber technology. Although developed many years before the breakthrough by Corning in 1970 for glass fibers, Plastic Optical Fibers have been relegated to low speed, short distance applications. As a result of recent technical developments, of graded index POF with bandwidths of 3GHz/100m, single-mode POF, optical amplification in plastic fibers, new POF materials with low loss to 1550nm and higher power and faster sources. Applications such as FDDI, ATM, Escon, Fibre Channel, Sonet, and FTTH are now within the realm of Plastic Optical Fibers. This new market and technology assessment report from IGI Consulting shows that previous market studies have underestimated the future potential of POF. While present interest is concerned with high-technology Local Area Network applications, the real growth market is now, and will continue to be in the future to be simple point-to-point links in a wide range of applications across all industries. The report reviews the factors which will impact market growth and provides forecasts of the market in the major growth areas: Data Links for PCs and workstations n Local Area Networks; Industrial data links; Consumer digital data links; Optical computing; Optical interconnects; Automobile networks and links. 1996, $2995
U.S. Remote Access Equipment Market Report with a Worldwide Perspective
Against a backdrop of accelerated demand for global enterprise-wide networks, the U.S. remote access equipment markets surged past the $6 billion mark in 1997. Remote access continues to gain momentum, driven by the convergence of advanced technologies access, versatile support for the expanding telecommuting community, and the strategic impact of linking remote sites to corporate IT resources contiune to fuel fast-paced growth. Following the worldwide, double-digit growth patterns the U.S. remote access equipment market is predicted to reach $14.4 billion by 2002. 1999 $2995
Marketed by: IGIC Produced by: MTG Electro
Impact of Fiber & Digital Technologies on the Insulated Copper Wire Industry
The battle for supremacy between copper and fiber in telecommunications and data communications continues to increase in complexity rather than becoming more clear. Fiber optics is clearly the superior technology, but the copper-based industries continue to fight back with new digital technologies that squeeze more and more bandwidth out of twisted copper pairs. This report examines in detail these new technologies, which include ADSL, HDSL, VDSL, ISDN, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, and CDDI, and determines their effect on the fiber optics market. New fiber optic technologies such as graded-index plastic optical fiber, wave division multiplexing, optical amplification and others are described, and ten-year forecasts are provided for both copper and fiber networking equipment and cabling. Major cablers are profiled, as are vendors of high-speed copper networking equipment. 1996, $2995
PHS: Market & Technology Study
PHS (Personal Handyphone Systems) are digital cordless telephone systems which provide high-quality and high capacity voice and data services at a low-cost. Since the inauguration of PHS services in July 1995, the Japanese PHS market has seen explosive growth of its subscriber base. The popularity of PHS in Japan arises from its lower price of handsets and services, smaller and lighter handsets, higher message security and higher data transmission speeds than existing cellular phone systems. This report provides an in-depth look at the PHS technology and its market in Japan as well as its potential for success in foreign markets. 1996, $2995
ATM-Enterprise & Public Network Opportunities
Covers technical questions such as how chips can be developed that are fast enough to allow ATM to operate at the speeds of which it is theoretically capable; how ATM networks can be constructed in a manner that avoids traffic congestion; whether the much-publicized advantages of ATM over TDM and shared bandwidth technologies will be sufficient to generate a rapid transition to the new technology, and more. This new report provides an analytical framework for strategic forecasting as well as providing detailed ten-year forecasts of ATM markets & vendor and carrier ATM strategies. 1994, $2995
Submarine Fiber Optics Technology
An update of a previous study of undersea fiber optic cables. Every undersea fiber optic cable now being considered is presented. It is a valuable reference for planners of undersea cable networks and major users. 1998, 279 pages, $2995
ISDN CPE: Market and Technology Trends
The ISDN market has finally started to take off. This report forecasts the growth of the ISDN CPE market and equipment cost trends. Profiles of all major CPE vendors includes present products and strategies. 1996, $2995
VDT-2000, Volume 1: Market Overview
This is a study of the market for video-on-demand equipment and services. There has been a great deal of interest shown by telephone companies and CATV MSOs. The report provides an overview of the market and barriers to implementation. 1994, $2995
VDT-2000, Volume 2: Servers & Set-top Converters
The important parts of the video-on-demand market is the video servers and set-top converters. There is a tension between CATV operaters, broadcasters and consumer electronics firms for contract of the system thru the set-top box. 1994, $2995
VDT-2000, Volume 3: Market Demand
This report forcasts the market for video-on-demand and analyzes the factors that will have a major impact on the market growth.1995, $2995