The Telecom Calendar is a quarterly listing of all major conferences, exhibitions, and trade shows worldwide in the fields of telecommunications, electronics, fiber optics, computers, opto-electronics, and enduser applications. There are many calendars available that cover international events, but none that focus on the telecommunications and computer fields like the Telecom Calendar.
The objective of the Telecom Calendar is to look as far into the future as possible to make it a useful tool to a wide range of potential users.
Information Gatekeepers also provides a wide range of services in the planning, organization, management and promotion of seminars, conferences, and trade shows that it makes available to clients.
Who should be interested?
- Marketing Managers
- Strategic Planners
- Training Directors
- Engineering Managers
- Research and Development Planners
- Users
- Libraries
- Investors
- Exhibit Hall Managers
- Publishers
- Trade Show Planners and Organizers
- Conference Organizers
- Procurement Specialists
- Buyers
- Educators
- Meeting Planners
- Hotel Sales Representatives
- Convention Hall Owners
- Information Centers